Our waiter was from Connecticut so he and I gushed a little bit about New England. Emily mentioned how every person that announces they are from New England out here in California is white. Well the reason everyone's white that is from New England and lives in California is because the white man is being held down back there and it's time for my people to rise up and we heard California is the place for some good uprising.
Remember I mentioned we were at the mall? Well I realized that the mall is a place an ugly poor person should not and cannot attend. The mall is for the mainstream, the skinny, the anorexic & the sexy. The girls show skin and the boys wear 2 lbs of cologne. I'm not ugly but I'm poor so it was ok for me to attend. I wasn't wearing 2 lbs of cologne either because I'm trying to lose weight and the cologne just weighs me down.
Mystery Dinner Theatre anyone?
then where the hell do i fit in?
O just come out already, you know you want to.
I will when you come with me as we pass the flag back to one another as we walk down Main Street.
i'll be right there. this will be fun.
You love all the trends. You can waste time, go to Sharper Image, & go rent video games from Gamestop.
U you should get a job at the mall at night. You could get free X-box games and it would give you purpose in your life.
if i got a job at the mall you'd have no one to make fun of at work anymore
I left you behind son. You know you miss me.
You love Sean Connery!
i do miss you.
sean connery is a solid guy. i just didnt think id see him at HOB
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