Friday, December 15, 2006

Master & Dog Fetish Tale

My friend from work let's give her an asian name how about ummmmm "Kim". Well Kim was getting her digital phone installed by the cable guy the other day. As he was installing it he says to her you know what I've been to this building before a few weeks back. It's kind of funny he says because when I normally come to someones place I generally call 10 minutes before I arrive so that I don't surprise them and they are ready for me.

He goes on to tell her that he went to this one house and before he entered he could hear a dog barking. The only thing was is that it didn't sound like a real dog. So he knocks on the door and the door opens. He walks into the apartment and what does he see?!?!??!?? He see's a guy dressed in a dog suit on all fours and a woman holding a leash. The woman is like "good doggy, good boy" They both continue to stay in their respective rolls of dog and master as the cable guy continues to work. The woman instructs the "dog man" to go eat some dog food. So the "dog" crawls on all fours over to his bowl and eats real dog food out of it. The "dog" moves two steps over and drinks water from a doggy bowl. Perverted freaks!

Now this is some crazy ass role playing. I can't imagine getting off to acting like a dog. Most men are dogs because they'll fuck anything that walks but literally acting as a dog that's another story. Also even if I did get off to acting like a dog then I would definitely stop the role playing once someone was coming into my house. I'd feel so embarrassed and awkward. I'm thinking that they both also got off to someone watching them perform this "dog & owner" fetish routine.

The only role playing that I've ever done was when I pretended to be a really good looking, funny & sometimes awesome 26 year old GUY that was born in Massachusetts but now lives in Sa Diego. The girls seem to really like that character...

Do you role play? Have you heard any crazy ass stories like the one above?



Anonymous said...

Dude - when the hell are you going to do the entry I tagged you for??? What a waste of a tag.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Dirty: if it were me I don't think I'd be telling anyone....I do have dogs you know?!?!

Erica: I don't do anything anyone tells me unless it's RSM

dc1904 said...

Would you eat dog food for $100?

I think you would, Greggors!

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: you're so bittuh dude! haha you love boston accents!

captain: i'd only eat white meat chicken for $100