Friday, December 08, 2006


This has been a very trying week for me to blog! I went to the Ellen show and got home late and couldn't blog afterwards because my brain was tired and my intestines were full of garbage! I can't write much right now but I will later but just let me tell you that my electricity was off when I got home from work yesterday and is still off!!! Something happened with one of the breakers and they can't fix it until today.

I have many tales of Punky, friends, Pacific Beach Bars, Glass in Food & more! I even have photos!!!

More later today. Please pray for my shiny white ass! I feel dead without electricity.


Anonymous said...

Living without electricity is like living inside Chuck-E-Cheese with a's all coming together now...think about it.

Everything comes in 3's...first the XBox...then your the electricity.

At least now you can rest easily knowing that the nightmare is over instead of walking on eggshells wondering what is next.


Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty: OH My GAAAWWWDDD. You're so right on! I forgot about the 3 evils that were coming my way...The nightmare has ended but the pain still lingers.
thx for your support

Anonymous said...

Your welcome...I do what I can.

Anonymous said...

Read a book!

O and I bet you didnt know this, but the Wii can be powered by strapping the controllers to your feet and running really fast...Once you do that for about an hour, you can play all night. Its really quite amazing. Good luck!

Gregg O'Connell said...

kevin: reading a book for me is like hanging out with 2 college kids in but safe!

Anonymous said...

thanks for hanging out with us last night, I hope marc didnt offend anyone..hes good at that

Gregg O'Connell said...

punky: it was so cool meeting you (guys)

you have to move out here!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Gregg running with his Wii. I bet it would make a really good video!!