Thursday, September 07, 2006

Blowjobs Cause Stomach Aches

Family members and tiny tots might want to stop reading right.......NOW!

Let me admit something first I'm not a huge fan of blowjobs. I mean they feel nice if I can concentrate hard enough and if he/she gets everything moving and shaking but otherwise I don't like concentrating that hard on something. My mind is like a coal miner I can only think of digging and staying alive. The shaft is a dangerous place!!!

I had this one girlfriend from back in the day who was willing to do anything with me. She was one of the craziest if not the craziest girl I'd had ever hooked up with (Sorry girls believe it or not I'm not a virgin). I was spoiled because after her a lot of my hookups had the sexual flavor of a current day Barbara Walters. They would barely let me kiss them let alone get all up in them.
This girl was the real deal. She could've totally been a pornstar. I mean she didn't have a pornstar body but her actions were totally legit.

Well when this girl would go down on me and perform adult play on my Willy Wonka and friends I would finish in her mouth and she would end up swallowing it. Well maybe 5 minutes after finishing she would start to get a stomach ache. Like it was so painful that she would be laying down holding her stomach in agony. It got so bad that even though she liked performing this act she would be scared to because of the pain it inflicted on her belly.

Maybe I was too acidic for her. No other girls ever complained of this. Maybe I tasted like rotten eggs or sour milk. Whatever the reason was it wasn't the reason we broke up. We broke up because I was too good of a boyfriend for her and she couldn't handle a great guy like myself.


I'm waiting for the comments on this one "You're fucking gross Gregg!"
or "Dude I'm never visiting your site again!" Pick one or make your own up :)


Anonymous said...

I love learning new things

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm just happy I could teach you a thing or two about life.

Just take a tums before you go down on a guy ok?

dirty said...

this post made my day yesterday!

Gregg O'Connell said...

it didn't give you a stomach ache?

Gregg O'Connell said...

i dont think i would my stomach is pretty strong

Anonymous said...

the secret remedy is----
that i'm willing to give
up if it can help some of you girls and boys

is for the guy to
drink pineapple juice
prior to the act

works at everyturn

try it out guys-

Gregg O'Connell said...

pineapple juice hmm ill have to try it

Anonymous said...

do that

the secret remedy was passed
down from a man himself-

personal note-

a woman shouldn't get
sick if she enjoys it
and adores the object of
her affection-