Sunday, September 10, 2006

My name is Gregg!!!

I was born on March 6, 1980. I was born Gregory Shane O'Connell. I was named after a boyfriend my mom had from when she was a teenager I believe.

I've always introduced myself as Gregg. I used to spell my name with one lonely g "Greg". Sometime while I was in 3rd grade I saw somewhere my name spelt "Gregg" I thought to myself "Fuckin A that's an awesome way to spell my name. Not only does it add weight and looks to the spelling but it's still pronounced the same way." When I spell Gregory I only use one "g"

Now Gregg isn't a hard name to pronounce, spell or remember. I don't remember how many times I've introduced myself and said "Hi, my names Gregg" and the other person will be like "oh hi Craig, nice to meet you."

I had this job at a nursing home in the kitchen when I was 16. The cook who was the supervisor name was Ron. He's a "holy roller" aka Jehovah witness. I worked there for 2 years and he would continually call me "Gary" haha now gimme a fuckin break Nel Carter my name sounds nothing like Gary. Stop going door to door and preaching and just listen to my name!!!

This brings me up to yesterday when I placed an order at Pickup Stix. It was a white guy that took my order and at the end of it he asks my name I tell him Gregg and he goes "Ed?" uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now this is why you work at Pickup Stix dude. No my name is "Greggggggggggggggg!!!!!" Ok got it! Your order will be ready in 10 minutes. So Emily & I go down to pick up the food and we cash out (well Em cashes us out) and Emily is like look at the name on the order "CRAIG" FUCK!!!! again?!?!?!

On a quick side note my buddy the Dirty Captain has a girl that's a friend who visits my website and that's the only way she knows me. She types in everyday to visit. Well in an email to him she plainly and clearly spells out "CRAIG" speaking about me. Now that's just plain retarded. I'm seriously thinking of buying

Thanks mom for naming me after your exbf!!!



dc1904 said...

I have the quote to prove it..."Anyway, I'll write a comment on Craig's website tomorrow, but you can inform him in the meantime that I read his daily journals and some I find very helpful tips of life. "
haha. wtf. The whole world is against you my man. Your like Jim Carrey in the Truman show...

dirty said...

Hi Craig! I love your site!

Gregg O'Connell said...

captain: its like living in glass bubble and everyones watching my every move

dirty: i love your site to RSM!

Gregg O'Connell said...

RSM: Dirty and I have a running joke between each other. We both think you're an egomaniac that doesn't admit it. So if she teases me about something I call her RSM in defense.

II'm creepy, sexy, cool

Erica Ann Putis said...

Hey Craig,

Why did you use the same picture as your second to last post... It's only been 10 days into Sept and you are already getting lazy???

Gregg O'Connell said...

ok i fixed the photo. i didnt even realize i did that :(

i'm blogging so much i'm losing my mind

dirty said...

I forgive is hard to be awesomely attractive...I know.

Erica Ann Putis said...

You are trying way too hard on RSM's website comments. It's kinda queer. Just sayin' Haha... Just kidding - I don't like that sayin'.

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm trying too hard? im not even doing anything.

i just want them to admit stuff over there..

ya alot of people on the net use "just sayin" weird???

Gregg O'Connell said...

RSM - I know I'm an egomaniac. I've never said I wasn't. Search my site and you'll find plenty of enteries showing you that I am.

You are very contrived. Everything is thought out but its acted out like its not. Just admit you're an egomaniac thats all i ask.

I'll be done with it all.
oh and umm please tell (b/c they are all followers without thoughts for themselves) your readers that they are all suck ups.


Erica Ann Putis said...

Well - I'm not a compleat stranger - Gregg used to be in my band and believe me he is the biggest egomaniac there is. He just likes to rile people up. It fuels his fire.

Gregg O'Connell said...

and we used to have a flame that was unstoppable until it stopped

dirty said...


I don't know where to begin. The "live blog" if you would've read was not what I did...I did the meme from over at paper napkin...a very good blog...therefore, it had nothing to do with you. Also, I didn't go through my closet to show all the artifacts from my past and I took care of my kids and fed them more than dinner...sheesh.

I am very into myself...duh. I don't need to post a picture and say "this is another bad one" to fish for compliments...sheesh again!

As for Just sayin'...I read that somewhere far before you by someone far more witty...just sayin'

Lastly...this is immature...high school was years ago and what I talk about in Email is my business.

dirty said...

You simply can't put your life out over the internet and not expect people to form oppinions...just sayin'

Gregg O'Connell said...

damn i love cat fights on my website.

let me get this straight
RSM isn't an egomaniac she is vain..hmmmm


Dirty didn't copy RSM's live blogging she copied someone else.

you must both really hate me? just sayin'....

Gregg O'Connell said...

i love you both like sisters. you both make me feel special in a certain kind of way

Gregg O'Connell said...

dirty posts photos click on her name and go to her website to see'em

Anonymous said...

One assumes Gregg (with two Gs, because one wouldn't get him enough attention) was named Gregg because that's the only name he can pronounce with a cock in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing, Gregg is so desperate for attention that he has to post comment after comment on RSM's blog. It's the only way he can bump up his stats.

He only wishes he could get the kind of traffic that she does. But to do it when you don't even like her or her content? LAME! That is why you are Gregg O'CommentWhore and you are made fun of.

You know they say flattery is the sincerest form of imitation... yeah well that's not what we're doing. We're just making fun of you.

And how many times will she have to ban you from her website before you get the f-ing clue that you are not wanted there? Seriously pathetic!

dirty said...

Oh, wow...this is taken way to seriously by some.

Anyone who needs an army behind in battle must have low self esteem...just sayin'

Go ahead..defend yourself or let your crew...I really don't care.

You started this Gregg...what do you have to say for yourself you comment whore you

dirty said...

xander clearly needs to get a life of his own...
and yes, I have had a pretty rough life but we really don't need to bring that into this

Anonymous said...

Yeah, so here it laid all out, all special like. We who go to RSM's site appriaciate the funny, interesting way she writes. If you don't like her, or those of us who have found a commonality in her blog, it's really quite simple. STOP GOING THERE. She doesn't need you and we don't need you. I'm not sure why you find it so important for her to admit anything, is it maybe because you have an insatiable need to be right? And paid attention to? so just stop with the whole PLESE LOVE ME act. Stick a fork in it ok? It's done. Oh, yeah, Dirty? go wipe your kids ass and stop being a silly negative bitch. It's unbecoming of a Lady.

dirty said...

Oh good lord...talked about how annoying the whole "I was a skater chick" thing was because it annoyed an Email...not in your comments...never said that you were a bad person...who cares? I throw a hissy when someone says something about my kids...that is un-called don't see me talking shit about people's kids.

dirty said...

I didn't say that you didn't feed your kids...I said that I feed mine.

dirty said...

I don't need your approval to live my life do I?

dirty said...

I never commented on your site...get over it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dirty.. shouldn't you be feeding your kids right now instead of commenting on Gregg O'Takesituptheass's blog... just sayin'

Just an Average Girl said...

Lets see, I've read your comments and your blog. You absolutley did talk about other peoples kids. And just saying "(not pointing any fingers) doesn't cover it. Don't call me an asshole for speaking the truth stupid. I have no kids, I want no kids and at least I am smart enough to realize that before I beome some slave to the wants and need of my husband and children while writing a blog trying to show everyone what a good mother I am.

Just an Average Girl said...

And this Is the Laundry Broad.

dirty said...

I'm so done...I can talk about you if I want and if you are annoying...who fucking mom is annoying but I love's words and this is the

I am an awesome slave laundry chick...simply the best. Ohio it is past 8:00 and the kids are in bed.

PPS...this went entirely too far...get over it.

You are only making your enemy's comment #'s climb higher and higher...

dirty said...

Congrats Gregg!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and being nicknamed "dirty" is SO high school-ish.

Just sayin.

Maybe "Trixie the Working Girl" would do better?

dirty said...

MAYBE if you knew the story behind would get it...but you never get laid do you?

dirty said...

but that isn't the story behind it but it sure sounded good...WHO CARES why I go by "dirty" "RSM" is any less "high's a tag people need a life.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i don't need your permission to post a photo so chill.

as for only have 3 fans why dont you look at my traffic;unique?login=gregg999

that doesnt look like its just your fat fans.

love u rsm

dirty said...

Wait...but on Flickr if you post something as public it is fair it not?

Gregg O'Connell said...

copyright is so lame. all i need to do is give u credit for the photo to use it and i think i just did :)

rsm i love you like a sista.
i love when u show some flava

dirty said...

I thought that if it was was fair game unless you had that creative commons thingy...I don't know much about that shit/

dirty said...

how old were you when you got married?

dirty said...

I was 19...had my second baby just weeks after turning 21...perhaps we got catty over mere things that we have in common...girls are like that...ya know

dirty said...

but i have had 4 kids to your 2...or maybe you will sick your crazy fans on me...

dirty said...

I like RSM but hate her that allowed?

dirty said...

you can Email me any time RSM...I have no life...besides feeding my kids and all...ya know

dirty said...

Gregg loves the comments

dirty said...

I'm going to bed...Dooce gets tons of fans...

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm like the Real World on MTV childish and cheesy but you can't stop watching b/c you never know if i'll end being that drunk biotch that everyone hates because she is mad annoying