Saturday, December 02, 2006

Harajuku Boy aka Japanese School Girlboy Pictoral!

I've always found those Japanese School Girl outfits sexy. It really wasn't until Gwen Stefani brought Harajuku Girls to the the forefront of American culture that I realized how much I adore those crazy little Japanese girls.

The REAL reason I decided to do a Japanese School Girl pictoral is because I saw RockStarMommy try to be all sexy and Asiafied on Flickr. I thought to myself I can totally pull that off and BETTER! Her legs aren't that nice anyway. It's the skirt and socks that make it sexy.

So Emily (ha ha sorry but you did help me) said "I have a short ruffley skirt and some tall soccer socks you can wear! " So I put the skirt on over my boxer shorts but then we realized that I had to take my boxers off because they were showing under the skirt. So I took off my boxers, put on a blue button up shirt and tied it into a knot and voila! My sexy Japanese School Girl look was complete!

I hope you enjoy my ATTEMPT at being a sexy Harajuku Girl ;)

Harajuku Boy Naughty Japanese School Girl Japanese School Girl Legs Muscular School Girl Legs! I Didn't Know Honda's had that nice of a trunk?!?! Day 52: Dear Britney Who Me?! I'm innocent..Finger in mouth :)



Anonymous said...

Your Harajuku nasty legs are undeniable.

Gregg O'Connell said...

dude my legs look just like RSM's but with a little hair...

Adamity73 said...

Was RSM *trying* to be harijewcoo? I thought she was trying to imitate B. Spears.

By the way, Gregg. Don't talk/type to me like I'm someone who has to reach to the stars to reach your prodigious talent, man.

Check out my weblog and TRY to top the writing.

I have a funnybone. And it...I'm done. It's just useless. Why try to fight water?

Gregg O'Connell said...

RSM is "trying" to be something she is not. I showed that by my sexy photoset.